We have our very first Rally Master pointed Akita! GCH CH Ursa Major’s Deschutes Dark BN RE CGCA CGCU owned by M Fisher & T Knoebel!
We have our very first title earner for AKC-Scent Work Buried Novice! Lolo Karfs RN CA BCAT SBN CGCA TKN owned by Deborah Karfs!
search for your Akita by registered name link
this year thru January these wonderful Akita’s have earned 26 performance/companion titles/certificates compared to only 13 ch/gch/b,s,g,p given, here’s the link
I have in all my databases combined, a total of 2,689 titles/certificates earned to date by these wonderful Akita’s! The following have been updated with January 2018 results or rankings, each one is a link to the details…