This year thru November these wonderful Akita’s have earned 271 performance/companion titles/certificates compared to only 126 ch/gch/b,s,g,p given, here’s the link
I have in all my databases combined, a total of 2,919 titles/certificates earned to date by these wonderful Akita’s!
The following are links to the November 2018 Results and Rankings details, when the link has been updated, it will change color…
UKC Nosework results
UKC Obedience results
UKC Obedience title earners
UKC Rally-O results
UKC Rally-O title earners
UKC Agility results
UKC Agility title earners
UKC Weight Pull results
CPE Agility results
CPE Agility title earners
NADAC Agility title earners
DOCNA Agility title earners
USDAA Agility title earners
USDAA Agility results
Cynosport Rally results
Cynosport Rally title earners
Cynosport Rally rankings
AKC Scent Work results
AKC Scent Work titles
AKC Coursing Ability results
AKC Coursing Agility titles
AKC CGC/A/U titles
AKC Farm Dog titles
AKC Trick Dog titles
AKC Fast CAT results
AKC Fast CAT titles
AKC Therapy titles
AKC Tracking titles
AKC TT titles
AKC Agility results
AKC Agility rankings
AKC Agility titles
AKC Obedience results
AKC Obedience rankings
AKC Obedience titles
AKC Rally results
AKC Rally rankings
AKC Rally titles